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Since 2014, The House of the Carpenter has provided a wide range of programs and ministries for our community’s youth such as Literacy CampKids in the KitchenVacation Bible SchoolKWest Day CampLeadership Academy, and many others. HOC’s programs are designed to give youth a safe place to learn, have fun, and grow in their faith.

These programs have become such a hit that HOC has outgrown their current facility and is in need of more space. A new Youth Center is currently being built on Wheeling Island for expansion of these programs and to allow more children and youth the opportunity to join and participate. To learn more about HOC’s programs and the Youth Center, watch the video above:

The construction of the House of the Carpenter’s Youth Center represents not only the building of another story of brick and mortar, but a greater story that involves changed lives.  It’s a tangible sign of present and future transformation and God has given us a great opportunity to help edit a new narrative that is being written on Wheeling Island and beyond.” -Rev. Jake Steele

9,000 blocks are needed to finish the HOC Youth Center and to help move this project along further, Christ UMC has pledged $30,000 which totals about 2,000 blocks. We would like to do even more by asking the congregation and the community for their help as well. Christ UMC’s goal is to raise another $30,000 for a total of $60,000 or 4,000 blocks for the Youth Center.

Each block, including the rebar and mortar, will cost $15. Just $15 will help create a wonderful space for our youth to grow in a safe, fun and loving environment. Please help our future generations in our community by considering purchasing a block or two and spreading the word to your friends, family and neighbors. Remember, its not just about blocks or a building, it’s about changing lives and creating a bigger story.

If you would like to create a bigger story, you can donate through the church by making a check out to CUMC and note on the memo line for the HOC Youth Center. Checks can be mailed to Christ United Methodist Church at 1232 National Road, Wheeling, WV or dropped off at the church’s office during business hours.

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