The entire narrative arc of Advent—from the beginning all the way to Bethlehem and the birth therein—is as if God is saying to a sleepy, stressed-out world, “Get ready! I’ve got something in store. Something is coming that I want you to experience and I guarantee you it’ll make you go, ‘O.M.G…

‘Oh. My. God.’

In so many words, everybody attached to the birth narrative of Jesus said it at some juncture. Fact is, we want to say it as well. All of us want to arrive at a space spiritually that makes us go,

‘Oh. My. God.’

But to get there, God says,

“Open. My. Gift.”

And therein lies the challenge: If ‘open’ was easy, everybody would do it. But it’s not…and so we don’t. When we don’t remain open (or at least obedient), here’s what happens: We Often. Miss. God. Bethlehem almost did. What about you? This Advent season, which O.M.G. will you be?

If we want to be awed, we’ve got to be open!

Tune in! Join us!

O.M.G Series Schedule:

Week 1:  Dec. 3rd Luke 1: 5-25 

Week 2: Dec. 10th Luke 1: 26-38

Week 3: Dec. 17th Luke 1: 39-56

Week 4: Dec. 24th Matt. 1:18-25

Week 5: Dec. 31st Luke 2: 1-20

Advent Small Group Dialogue

Zechariah and Elizabeth; Mary and Joseph; the shepherds and the angels; the holy conversations and encounters that changed the landscape of life forever…they seem so out of reach and other-worldly—too distant for us to digest in our day.  


But, “pssst!” Let me let you in on a little secret: Believe it or not, those accounts eerily parallel the “everydayness” of our experiences and they beg to be unpacked. How about opening them with us?

Contrary to what some may contend: The sermon can’t say it all!

The precipitating events that literally gave way to the birth of the gospel are deeply rich and relevant. The word becomes even more enriching when it’s engaged within community.

When’s the last time you were awed by the Word because you were open to dialogue?

It’s time for a fresh take…and there’s no better start than in a new year!

That’s right! We’re carrying the Christmas story into the new year and we’re creating a space not only for conversation but for fresh expressions of faith in our modern context. 

Starting on Jan 7th-28th from 5-6:30 pm we’ll gather in the family room for a  small group study that’ll revolve around the O.M.G. Sermon Series and corresponding gospel texts. It’ll be a perfect place to extend dialogue, ask questions, glean additional information, and see life from new frames.

Attend in person or join us on Zoom! More information will come soon!