Coming Soon on Christmas Eve!

Get ready, folks, and step onto the set! The greatest game show in Wheeling is coming to Christ Church on Christmas Eve. “What’s in a Name?” is a zany and fun-filled piece written by Sheree Mann, which features a dynamic stage personality and gameshow host, Randy Dandy. Join him along with his co-host Hannah Light as they welcome three eccentric contestants who will compete in a gut-busting quest for first place and the top prize.

In this particular episode, the gameshow features a special Christmas-themed twist where our contestants will be challenged to correctly define biblical words related to the birth narrative of Jesus. Things fall apart quickly for our host and it doesn’t seem like much of a competition when Cathy Chatsalot, Laura Lively, and Samuel A. Smarty go head-to-head. However, an accidental win in the end will definitely give the audience a new way to define the word, Emmanuel.

You don’t want to miss this one! Gather your friends, and your extended family members, invite your neighbors, and join us either at 4 pm or 7 pm for these Christmas Eve services that will feature carols, candlelight, laughter, fun, and a meaningful worship experience for all ages. Also, please note an adjustment to our regular morning worship schedule for that day: In lieu of our 8:30 am chapel service or 11:00 am worship in the main sanctuary, we will have one combined worship service at 10:00 am in the sanctuary. There will be no Sunday School.

We readily anticipate celebrating the birth of our Savior with you and many others as we discover and rejoice over the power packed within the word, “Emmanuel”—God with us!” Worship with us at 10:00 am for our regular combined service and then come back at 4 pm or 7 pm.  See you there!