Ah, the summer break. 

What are summer excursions but an attempt to escape? For some, it’s the demands of the job, a getaway from the daily grind; for others, it’s the excitement attached to exploration and navigating something new; and still, for others, it’s a means of multiplying time and seizing moments.

Motivations notwithstanding, who hasn’t stared out the office window and daydreamed of being somewhere else?  The summer break is alluring since we often associate it with somewhere better…even if better is brief.

But the desire generalizes, doesn’t it? Set aside seasons of the year and think of stages of life. All of us are driven by notions of “better”—to have, to be, to do better. 

We all want to go somewhere. But the question begs: How do we go somewhere different and not do something dumb that stalls us out in the process? As a people of faith, how do we ensure that our pursuit of “better” doesn’t cause us to bypass God’s best for us?

In a world awash with pop-up ads, airbrushed allurements, and tailormade temptations that conform to our search tendencies, what if we saw this summer as a break from the stuff that holds us back? Won’t you jump in the car, engage the word of God and join us through the month of July? Who knows? Perhaps this summer break might turn into a permanent vacation.