The catch-22. Ever been caught in one? The dictionary defines a catch-22 as a situation in which one is caught or trapped by contradictory conditions:

You can’t get a job without experience, but you can’t have experience without a job.

You search for your lost eyeglasses, but you need your eyeglasses to search for them.  

Your wife asks you if you think she’d be more attractive with exercise…

See? Catch 22’s can be confounding, can’t they?

Seemingly contradictory conditions: They’re much easier to talk about than to trudge through. If you think about it, why is gratitude such a slippery thing to grasp? It’s so simple to learn about and yet so challenging to live into—especially in a land of plenty!

Moreover, as a people of faith who claim Christ along with a clean slate, a transformed heart, and eternal hope, why can’t we get and stay grateful? Why does gratitude feel so fleeting? There is an ocean’s worth of explanations, but could it be that gratitude comes with a built-in catch? More accurately, there are 3 catches and each is two letters: Gr-at-it.

Here’s the catch: You can’t spell gratitude without them and you’ll never experience gratitude with them. Who would’ve thought that two little letters could carry so much weight? If you want to know why and how then join us through the first three weeks in November (prior to Thanksgiving) and find out how you can possess gratitude without getting grati-two-ed.

Week 1:  Nov. 6th:   “Grr: How You Feelin’?”

Week 2:  Nov. 13th: “Where You At?”

Week 3:  Nov. 20th:  “What is It?”